Avocado Oil 375ml


The Plenty Avocado Oil extraction process involves cold pressing every drop of nutrition from the flesh of the avocado fruit. There will sometimes be a cloudy appearance, this is evidence of a high quality avocado oil and an indication of purity.

You can expect a mild buttery and nutty avocado oil taste.

Cold pressed avocado oil smoke point is very high allowing it to be used for just about any kind of cooking, making it a very versatile oil:

  • Add to smoothies
  • Marinade meat before grilling
  • Baking
  • Drizzle over salad
  • Drizzle over roast veggies before or after
  • Stir into soups
  • Delicious salad dressings (try our avocado oil and sumac dressing)

Plenty cold pressed Avocado Oil is available here, in-store and online at Woolworths, online at Health Magic, Oborne Health Supplies, Honest to Goodness, Amazon and selected health food stores. See a full list of where to buy Plenty Oils here.




Like olive oil, avocado oil contains a large amount of heart-healthy Oleic acid, a monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid.

Avocado oil can contain high levels of lutein, an antioxidant that supports healthy eyes. Adding avocado oil to your salads has been seen to increase the absorption of vitamins.

A great alternative to olive oil, some of the outstanding qualities of avocado oil are:

  • High percentage monounsaturates – promotes heart health
  • Very high Smoke point – 270°C
  • Vitamins A, B and D
  • Rich in lecithin
  • Use in salads, marinades, pan seasoning and culinary applications.

One other way you can use avocado cooking oil for seasoning cast iron pans and skillets due to its high smoke point.

In addition to its use in cooking, avocado oil penetrates very easily into the upper layers of the skin, making it a very effective emollient for dry skin and a nappy rash oil.

For specifications and bulk pricing, contact us. We can export internationally and supply in Australia in 20 Litre, 206 Litre, and 1000 Litre quantities.

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